European Tourism Trends & Prospects is a series of quarterly reports providing concise analysis of key economic and tourism trends in Europe and related outbound markets. The quarterly report aims to provide the necessary know-how to monitor the short-term development of European tourism.
Europe has made significant progress towards a full recovery to pre-pandemic levels in 2023 and is on track to recover in 2024. This webinar will delve into the latest travel trends across the region and examine the expected impact of major sporting events. this year. Additionally, MMGY TCI Research utilizes social listening technology to provide expert analysis of current trends impacting the reputation of European travel destinations. This analysis includes an examination of the key narratives that influenced the perception of these destinations. Additionally, the perceived sustainability of the experience and its monetary value are investigated through emotional data obtained from written reviews.
This webinar will provide insights into European tourist destinations on:
Current status of European tourism and broader macroeconomic environment Key economic and tourism trends Destination reputation Special focus: Summer sports tourism
Please note that this webinar is sponsored by ETC and Tourism Economy.