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How important are movies and tourism to the Santa Clarita Valley’s economy? Santa Clarita is located within the industry-renowned 30-mile zone, with thousands of filming locations located almost anywhere in the world. It is consistently one of the most popular locations for film filming in California. The film and entertainment industry, along with tourism, stands as an important pillar of the Santa Clarita Valley’s vibrant economy.
From wide-open ranches to rugged canyons, this region provides a versatile canvas for storytelling in a variety of genres. These works generate income (an average annual economic impact of $30 million to local communities) through job creation, local spending, community development, and tourism. This fusion fosters economic growth and community pride, putting the Valley on both the silver screen and the tourist map.
In addition to its cinematic appeal, the valley is home to a rich tapestry of historic buildings, outdoor recreational opportunities, and cultural events, allowing travelers to extend their stay and take in all that the region has to offer. . This fusion of entertainment and tourism not only fosters economic growth, but also fosters a sense of community pride as locals see their hometown shine on both the silver screen and the tourist map. .
But don’t take the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation’s word for it. Evan Thomason, the economic development associate who oversees film and tourism for the city of Santa Clarita, was interviewed by Mayor Pro Tem Bill Miranda on his show “SCV 101” last week. Thomason has worked for the city for many years and spoke about the Valley’s rich history. An overview of cinema and tourism, how these benefit his SCV and its economy, etc.
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